Thursday, February 05, 2009

Dining Rooms (and Duvets and Desks)

This is mostly for the benefit of my mother, but I thought I'd share with everyone the decorating that is taking over my life. I'm addicted, and nowhere near where I want to be. But I do love my dining room, and my duvet, and my desk.

I had to hurry to set the table in order to catch what was left of natural light for the day:

Pretty dishes. Aren't they fabulous? A Christmas present from Mrs. Claus. She got them from Target.

Another angle of my babies:

Striving for five is a cinch with a fruit bowl:

Here's a view from the inside corner of the dining room:

I found this table at at Home Goods, an home decor off-shoot of TJ Maxx. The vase and its contents come from Ikea.

I saw these frames and I knew I had to have them. They come from Home Goods, and they are made out of news print.

So the table was supposed to be for my cook books, but that didn't work out. So they're tucked away in a corner. They're happy, I'm happy.

While at Ikea, I got this new duvet and sham for a killer deal. The damask lamp was one of those temptation purchases, courtesy of Mallory. Seriously Mal, you + Target = Me spending too much.
This basic desk is yet another Ikea purchase. It's lasted me through college and beyond. However, it was only a desk top with some table legs, so I went back to Ikea after Christmas (with a gift card in hand: thanks Mrs Claus!) and found this topper. As you will notice it has a magazine rack, shelves, and a white board to the right. Members of my family will notice a message specifically for those who have been harping on me to post these pictures.

Here's a pic with the flash, and with an extra view of the top shelf. In the middle you will see the Damask clock which was a housewarming from Mallory. Bottom middle you'll see some more Damask items, such as a pictureless frame (I'm working on filling it) and a damask pencil case, both from Target. Both were purchased when Mallory was with me.
I can't complain though, because she makes me beautiful things like this for Christmas:

So there you have it! I hope this makes those who were waiting so desperately for this post happy.